Category Archives: Bright Side News

A Mystical Brooch No One Wants to Even Touch

Croesus, the king of Lydia, who reigned for 14 years in the 6th century BCE, was legendary for his wealth. You might wonder what the man did to protect his treasures. Well, rumor has it that he used to put curses on his most valuable belongings, including the infamous King Croesus's golden brooch, one of the most precious items in his jewelry collection. For hundreds of years, the treasure of King Croesus lay underground, lost but not forgotten. But one day in 1965, several men came across the ancient burial mound of a Lydian princess. The men didn't excavate all the treasure at once. They returned once again in 1968 but didn't find anything but wall paintings. Among the artifacts they’d stolen, there was a beautiful golden brooch in the shape of a winged seahorse… Other videos you might like:
The Story of the Hope Diamond Which Ruined Its Owners' Lives
4 Mystery Doors That Should Never Be Opened
The Truth About the Titanic Has Been Revealed TIMESTAMPS:
Terrible things that happened to the thieves 1:30
Why the treasure had to be returned to Turkey 2:53
Where the real brooch?! 3:41
Other jewelry items that destroyed its owners: – Black Orlov Diamond 4:31
– Koh-i-Noor Diamond 5:24
– Delhi Purple Sapphire 6:31
– The Star of India 7:55 #cursedthings #legends #brightdise Star of Asia Sapphire 330 carats Burma Rumored to have once belonged to India's Maharajah of Jodhpur: By thisisbossi from Washington, DC, USA – 2009 04 19 – 4697 – Washington DC – Natural History Museum – Star of Asia Sapphire Uploaded by PDTillman, CC BY-SA 2.0, Animation is created by Bright Side. Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– In no time, the men realized that the fabled curse that’d been put on the treasures and, in particular, the brooch, 2,500 years ago, was far more than just a superstition. – The thieves got caught by the police after one of their own betrayed his accomplices, unhappy with the way they’d divided the treasure. – But being arrested wasn't the only punishment the thieves had to live through for their crimes. One of the thieves lost his three sons under different tragic circumstances.
– In the 1970s, it was alleged that more than 200 items from King Croesus's treasure had been bought by the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art around 1968. – After a 6-year legal battle that was rumored to cost Turkey more than $30 million, the museum admitted that while purchasing the artifacts, they’d known that they’d been stolen.
– In 2006, 13 years after the artifacts had been relocated, it turned out that the famous golden seahorse brooch, which was on display in Turkey's Uşak Museum, was a fake!
– During the investigation, the museum's director admitted that he’d sold the real brooch, as well as some other artifacts, to cover his gambling debts. – If you ever see the 67.5 carat (13 gr – 0.5 oz) Black Orlov Diamond, don't touch it without a pair of gloves on, or at all (better safe than sorry, you know). That thing is as dangerous as it is gorgeous. – The name of the 105-carat (21 g – 0.7 oz) Koh-i-Noor Diamond means "the mountain of light."
– Every single man who wore the diamond lost his throne.
– Colonel W. Ferris did bring the Delhi Purple Sapphire to England, and while he had possession of the gem, his family suffered from countless health and financial problems. – The Star of India is the largest known blue sapphire in the world. People talked about curses and spells that protected the sapphire. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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20 Secrets You Probably Didn’t Know About Buckingham Palace

Ever dreamed about living in a palace? Like Buckingham Palace, for example? Well, it’s a nice place, so why not? This ostentatious home is pretty old and huge, but the location is close to schools and shopping! And besides that, it’s got a lot of interesting secrets. When you learn about them you'll get a glimpse of what it's like to live there. Did you know, for example, that the Royal family can receive treatment without leaving the palace? Or that the River Tyburn flows under the south wing of the palace, revealing the fact that the building was set up on swampland? Or that the site where the royal residence is located now was once occupied by a monastery. And some believe that’s the reason why the place is haunted by the ghost of a monk who used to live in that monastery… Other videos you might like:
14 Strict Rules Princesses Are Forced to Follow
20 Things to Avoid to Become a Real Lady
12 Unexpected Etiquette Rules from Around the World TIMESTAMPS:
A Whopping number of rooms 0:28
No waiting in line 1:06
ATM in the basement 1:30
Moving chandeliers 1:54
A fully equipped doctor's office 2:17
The largest private garden in London 2:43
Secret river 3:23
Post office 3:46
Zip code 4:12
Spooky neighbor 4:37
Labyrinthe of secret tunnels 5:04
It wasn't originally built for kings and queens 5:38
Unexpected visitor 6:20
Is anybody home? 6:54
Tik-tok's everywhere 7:16
The number of visitors 7:49
Tours for ordinary people 8:28
Oldest helicopter pad in London 9:09
Not a crumb goes waste 9:39
Birth announcement 10:06 #royalfamily #BuckinghamPalace #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– We all know that Buckingham Palace is huge, but just to help you comprehend its size, get ready for this information – it has 775 rooms!
– Sometimes you need to get cash fast, so you go to the bank or start looking for an ATM. But if you're a member of the Royal family, you can forget about all that hassle. All you have to do is go to the basement of Buckingham Palace because there's an ATM right there! – Chandeliers can be lowered to a manageable level simply by pressing a button on the remote control. – Imagine 30 football fields and you'll get the idea about the size of the Palace garden that stretches for 39 acres. – You probably already have the idea that Buckingham Palace isn't simply a building, but more like a mini-town, since the royalty can get pretty much any service there. – Some used to say that there's a secret tunnel that connects Buckingham Palace and London Tube. It's just a rumor, but the royal residence does have tunnels.
– During the long history of Buckingham Palace, there were a few cases of ordinary people sneaking inside. – If you ever visit London and find yourself near the palace, you can find out in no time if the Queen is at home. When she's there, the Royal Standard flag is flown over her residence.
– As you can guess, The Queen and all other members of the Royal family have a pretty packed-up schedule. That's why it's so important for them to know the right time in order not to be late. – Obviously, when you're the Queen, you just have to host a lot of events and functions. More than 50,000 guests visit Buckingham Palace every year. – If you doubt the Queen will invite you to one of her parties any time soon, you can always take a tour of Buckingham Palace. – In 1953, a helicopter landed in the palace garden for the first time, and since then, that spot served as a helicopter landing area without any special construction for many years. – When there's a Royal birth, they place an official announcement outside the main entrance of the Palace to let everybody know if it's a boy or a girl and the weight of the newborn as well. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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A Mysterious Human-Like Species Has Been Discovered in the Philippines

If you head to Luzon Island in the Philippines, you’ll find Callao Cave hidden in the jungle. "What's so special about an old cave?" you may ask. Well, this is exactly where archeologists discovered a previously unknown ancient species related to us humans! This human-like species was dubbed Homo luzonensis in honor of the island it was discovered on. Adults were probably quite short, about 4 feet (1.2 m) tall. The scientists assumed that this species led a mixed lifestyle, what with their ability to both climb trees and walk on two legs. However, the finding seems to raise more questions than it answers… Other videos you might like:
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15 Accidental Inventions You Can't Imagine Your Life Without TIMESTAMPS:
Excavations in Callao Cave 0:39
Homo floresiensis aka the Hobbit 2:40
The revolutionary discovery 4:56
What Homo luzonensis looked like 6:45
How the first humans got to Luzon 8:12
How ancient this species is 8:41 #discoveries #archaeology #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– Luzon Island was one of those seemingly inaccessible places because it also didn’t have any land bridge connecting it to the mainland. – In 2003, Dr. Armand Mijares, a local archeologist from the University of the Philippines, started excavations in Callao Cave together with his team. – As they were going about their research, the team found evidence of human activity in that region, including some tools and pottery which were dated to be about 25,000 years old. – In 2004, another group of archeologists discovered Homo floresiensis, a tiny human species that was later nicknamed "the hobbit."
– Even though it was a cool discovery on its own, it also inspired Dr. Mijares to return to Callao Cave. He got back on track in 2007 with a firm decision to dig deeper. – But it wasn't until 2010 that Mijares and his team finally made their revolutionary discovery. In their search, the scientists stumbled across a 67,000-year-old human fossil! – The teeth were tiny with a simple shape, making them similar to the teeth of modern humans. But what makes them even more unique is that one of the upper premolars found had 3 roots, a feature found in less than 3% of people today. – Scientists assumed that this species led a mixed lifestyle, what with their ability to both climb trees and walk on two legs. They could’ve walked in a peculiar way, but researchers haven’t determined that yet.
– There have been attempts to extract DNA from the discovered remains, but so far, they haven’t gotten any results. – It seems humans that lived on Luzon Island used tools to hunt and prepare food! – But that's not all! In 2018, Dr. Mijares announced that chances are Homo luzonensis lived on the island much further back in time. The archeologists found some stone tools. And these findings are a whopping 700,000 years old! Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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Something Strange Is Glowing in the Milky Way, Scientists Are Worried

It all started around 10 years ago when NASA launched the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope. This wasn’t your standard “point-and-shoot” telescope. It’s much more an advanced piece of equipment that literally opened a huge window on the Universe. So, when you observe the sky through this telescope rather than with your own eyes, you’d be looking at a totally different picture! When the astronomers started getting data back from the Fermi telescope, they noticed that the center of our galaxy was emitting a lot more gamma radiation than its outskirts. To put it simply, something is glowing incredibly bright right in the middle of the Milky Way! But the most perplexing thing is that no one has been able to find an exact explanation for this phenomenon for nearly a decade! Other videos you might like:
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13 Scariest Theories That'll Make Your Blood Run Cold TIMESTAMPS:
What's that mysterious glow? 0:29
Why galaxies don't split apart 2:27
Alternative explanation 4:56
What are pulsars? 5:30
What if a pulsar entered our solar system 6:52
What do other scientists think? 8:35 #milkyway #space #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– From the very beginning, some scientists hoped that the mysterious glow was somehow connected to the long-sought-after and enigmatic “dark matter.” – There’s a theory that dark matter works as a sort of glue that keeps things together. Thanks to this sticky stuff, galaxies don't split apart, stars don't collide with one another, and our Earth doesn't stray off its orbit into open space.
– By calling it "dark" matter, scientists aren’t talking about the color. They just mean that this space phenomenon doesn't emit either any radiation or light visible to the human eye. – Some astronomers supposed that the central region of the Milky Way was glowing with such intensity because dark matter was getting destroyed there.
– If the mystifying glow was created by dark matter annihilation, then gamma-ray particles would get distributed in space evenly. But the telescope showed them gathering in clumps. – But there is an alternative explanation of why the Milky Way is glowing. The culprit might be a group of millisecond pulsars, which are neutron stars rotating really really fast.
– Pulsars are the lighthouses of the Universe, although not in the meaning that they save spacecraft from collision! It’s more in the fact that they emit focused beams of radiation that you can only see if you get in their path. – If a pulsar were to enter our solar system one day, it’d be a bad situation to say the least. The spinning invader would wreak havoc and chaos by throwing the planets off their orbits (probably pulling away one or two of them).
– Several studies have concluded that, due to the nature of the light, millisecond pulsars are the best explanation for this phenomenon. – But that doesn’t mean all scientists are convinced. They state that these clumps may be a result of the interaction of gas between stars and cosmic rays. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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11 Home Exercises to Make Your Butt Round Faster

“Brazilian bubble butts” look droolworthy, but unless you sweat the entire day at the gym. With simple, yet effective exercises that can be done in the comfort of your home, you can achieve the perfect round butt — in no time. And what’s more, the exercises I’ll show you today require no equipment. To make your firm, round butt dreams come true, check this list of 8 exercises that target the right muscles. Select any 4 of these and perform them for 20 minutes every day without fail. They do not require any equipment, and it makes your task even easier! Other videos you might like:
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5-Minute Workout That Replaces High-Intensity Cardio TIMESTAMPS:
Rainbow Lift 0:44
Donkey Kicks 1:40
Fire Hydrant Kicks 2:34
Bound Tiger Pose 3:09
Squats 4:14
Curtsy Squats 5:01
Ski Squats 5:53
Sumo Walk 6:52
Glute Bridge 7:50
Malasana or Deep Squat 8:39
Awkward Pose Yoga 9:41 #perfectbutt #glutes #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– The Rainbow Lift helps move your glutes both up and down, and back and forth. It works all 3 of your gluteus muscles, and as an added bonus, your abs as well.
– The Donkey Kicks is super-efficient if you want to tone the muscles of your butt. What’s more enticing is that this exercise also helps to sculpt your abs and strengthen the spine. – The Fire Hydrant Kicks works your abs, glutes, hips, and lower body, so you’ll be more than bootylicious; you’ll have flaunt-worthy abs as well. – Bound Tiger Pose warms and stretches the back muscles and spine. Although the Tiger Pose has many versions, we’ll stick with the classic one here. Apart from toning your butt, this exercise strengthens the muscles of the digestive system, boosting metabolism and promoting digestion.
– Squats need no introduction. They’re among the most popular and effective exercises with a whole lot of benefits. They target multiple muscles in your entire lower body, including your quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and your whole posterior. – Curtsy Squats are an excellent exercise if you want a toned butt and shapely inner thighs. Even though they’re simple to do, beginners often end up doing it incorrectly.
– Although extremely simple, Ski Squats, just like its other squat siblings, are very effective in targeting the butt… muscles.
– The Sumo Walk is great for toning your glutes, hip flexors, and quadriceps. It also engages the hamstrings. – The Glute Bridge is an excellent exercise for people who spend long hours at the office, sitting at a desk. It strengthens the glutes, hamstrings, hip muscles, lower back muscles, and promotes better posture. – Any squat is perfect for shaping your…c butt, but Malasana or Deep Squat is among those that specifically target the buttock region. This simple yoga pose not only sculpts your rear, but it also stretches your neck, hamstrings, spine, and ankles.
– Awkward Pose Yoga has so many benefits that you’ll almost forget that getting a beautiful butt is one of them. Among its advantages are correcting your posture, improving body balance, reducing stress, and combating depression. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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A Man Flew in a Chair on 45 Balloons But Got Arrested

… They cut the cord and seconds later, the man sitting on a lawn chair tied to a balloon cluster was soaring up among the clouds. This sounds like some kind of Up-style fairytale, but, believe it or not, this story actually happened for real in 1982! Once upon a time, in 1949 to be more precise, a boy named Larry Walters was born in Los Angeles, California. He dreamed of the sky, but his dream to be a US Air Force pilot was not destined to come true because of his poor eyesight. So Larry became a truck driver and lived like any other person in San Pedro. But his love for the sky and his dream to fly didn’t go away though. Larry remembered an idea that occurred to him when he was 13. Back then, he first saw weather balloons hanging off the ceiling at a military store… Other videos you might like:
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10 Body Features Only 5% of People Have TIMESTAMPS:
Preparations for the flight 1:15
How many balloons he needed 1:56
Things are getting out of control 2:43
How he caused a massive power outage 4:00
Why Larry was arrested 4:24
Larry and pop culture 5:04
Cluster ballooning 6:46
The longest duration flight by helium balloons 8:33 #ClusterBallooning #LarryWalters #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– To figure out how many balloons he’d need for the experiment, he had to have done some calculations.
– To lift a person weighing 175 pounds, you’d need a whopping 5,700 balloons! But if you get 10-foot army surplus store balloons instead, you’d only need like 8 of those to fly. – Larry was true to his dream, and went for weather balloons instead. Together with his then-girlfriend, he bought 45 weather balloons and helium tanks. – So, “Lawnchair Larry”, as he was nicknamed later, strapped on a parachute, commanded his friends to cut the cord tied to his Jeep, and soared into the sky. – The wind was blowing strong in his face, and the speed he was moving wasn’t ideal for stopping.
– Things were getting out of control: Larry was way higher, moving way faster, and going way further than he planned.
– The balloons that got tangled on the power lines in Long Beach caused a massive power outage that lasted 20 minutes. – Long Beach authorities arrested him, but soon let him go with a fine of $4,000.
– After his beautiful flight, “Lawnchair Larry” appeared on the Tonight Show and Late Night With David Letterman.
– To top it all off, there was even an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants “The Sponge Who Could Fly” inspired by the story. – Larry Walters might not have become the most successful motivational speaker, but he sure motivated quite a few people to follow his example.
– He inspired a whole extreme sport named cluster ballooning. Its fans strap themselves in a harness and attach themselves to rubber balloons filled with helium to fly. – The Guinness Book of World Records currently features the longest duration flight by helium balloons that lasted 13 hours, 36 minutes, and 57 seconds. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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The Only Way to Survive a Fall Without a Parachute

Imagine: you’re flying! But wait, where’s the plane? A wingsuit? Parachute? Anything! Uh-oh, looks like you’re 6 miles high and free-falling! So, is this it or is there a way to hack yourself out of this dire situation? A person’s chances of survival when falling from a height of 35,000 feet (10,000 m) are slim. Anyway, despite this poor outlook, you still have a glimmer of hope! You’ll be surprised to know that if you were to stumble from the top of a tall building, you’d be in a much worse situation! Actually, there is a book that lists over 200 cases of people falling from a plane without a parachute and living to tell the tale. Other videos you might like:
10 Survival Tips That Turn Out to Be Harmful
11 Survival Tips from a Former Secret Agent
13 Tips on How to Survive Wild Animal Attacks TIMESTAMPS:
While you’re unconscious…1:12
How long you will fall 2:16
How about becoming a “wreckage rider”? 2:36
Surviving flight attendant's story 3:20
Not water! 4:20
What can soften the blow 5:21
How to direct your fall 5:52
What if you landed in the jungle 7:35 #survivaltips #survivalhacks #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– Right from the get-go, you’d probably pass out because there’s not much oxygen when you’re 6 miles (10 km) up in the atmosphere. – Earth’s gravity is pulling you down and trying to accelerate you. On the other hand, like any moving object, you’re facing air resistance, which is kind of a drag. – If you were falling from a skyscraper, you’d land with the same force as when you fall from a 6-mile height. But you’d only have 12 seconds to prepare for contact, versus having approximately 3 minutes when falling from a plane.
– The first scenario is when you’re free-falling with just yourself and the clothes on your back. The second way is to try and become a “wreckage rider.”
– In 1972, Serbian flight attendant Vesna Vulović incidentally broke a world record for surviving the highest fall without a parachute.
– In 1943, American military pilot Alan Magee survived a 20,000-foot (6,000 m) absolute free-fall that ended with him crashing through the glass ceiling of the St. Nazaire train station in France.
– Not water! When you’re falling at 120 mph (190 kph) from 6 miles (10 km) high, water will feel like concrete.
– Look for something that can soften the blow – a snow bank or slope, a haystack, a big tree. Marshland is ideal since it’s soft and swampy. Just watch out for the gators afterward.
– Now that you’ve chosen your target, you need to try and direct your fall. To slow down, spread your arms and legs apart (think flying squirrel!), throw your head back, and straighten your shoulders.
– You’re not skydiving in this scenario. Just remember that no matter what the surface below is, you need to avoid landing on your head. – If you’re falling with your head down and can do nothing about it, try to land on your face. It sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s better than hitting the top or back of your skull. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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The Only Way to Survive a Long Fall from a Plane Without a Parachute

Imagine: you’re flying! But wait, where’s the plane? A wingsuit? Parachute? Anything! Uh-oh, looks like you’re 6 miles high and free-falling! So, is this it or is there a way to hack yourself out of this dire situation? A person’s chances of survival when falling from a height of 35,000 feet (10,000 m) are slim. Anyway, despite this poor outlook, you still have a glimmer of hope! You’ll be surprised to know that if you were to stumble from the top of a tall building, you’d be in a much worse situation! Actually, there is a book that lists over 200 cases of people falling from a plane without a parachute and living to tell the tale. Other videos you might like:
10 Survival Tips That Turn Out to Be Harmful
11 Survival Tips from a Former Secret Agent
13 Tips on How to Survive Wild Animal Attacks TIMESTAMPS:
While you’re unconscious…1:12
How long you will fall 2:16
How about becoming a “wreckage rider”? 2:36
Surviving flight attendant's story 3:20
Not water! 4:20
What can soften the blow 5:21
How to direct your fall 5:52
What if you landed in the jungle 7:35 #survivaltips #survivalhacks #brightside Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– Right from the get-go, you’d probably pass out because there’s not much oxygen when you’re 6 miles (10 km) up in the atmosphere. – Earth’s gravity is pulling you down and trying to accelerate you. On the other hand, like any moving object, you’re facing air resistance, which is kind of a drag. – If you were falling from a skyscraper, you’d land with the same force as when you fall from a 6-mile height. But you’d only have 12 seconds to prepare for contact, versus having approximately 3 minutes when falling from a plane.
– The first scenario is when you’re free-falling with just yourself and the clothes on your back. The second way is to try and become a “wreckage rider.”
– In 1972, Serbian flight attendant Vesna Vulović incidentally broke a world record for surviving the highest fall without a parachute.
– In 1943, American military pilot Alan Magee survived a 20,000-foot (6,000 m) absolute free-fall that ended with him crashing through the glass ceiling of the St. Nazaire train station in France.
– Not water! When you’re falling at 120 mph (190 kph) from 6 miles (10 km) high, water will feel like concrete.
– Look for something that can soften the blow – a snow bank or slope, a haystack, a big tree. Marshland is ideal since it’s soft and swampy. Just watch out for the gators afterward.
– Now that you’ve chosen your target, you need to try and direct your fall. To slow down, spread your arms and legs apart (think flying squirrel!), throw your head back, and straighten your shoulders.
– You’re not skydiving in this scenario. Just remember that no matter what the surface below is, you need to avoid landing on your head. – If you’re falling with your head down and can do nothing about it, try to land on your face. It sounds counter-intuitive, but it’s better than hitting the top or back of your skull. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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15 People You Wouldn’t Recognise Despite Knowing Them

Despite having thriving empires, not all famous fashion designers are public people. You've probably heard their names and might even wear clothes with their famous label, but you probably have no idea what they actually look like. Could you recognize, for example, Calvin Klein or Tommy Hilfiger? Or can you imagine what Christian Louboutin or Manolo Blahnik look like? Let's find out! So, here are photos of the people hiding behind the names of labels from expensive boutiques. By the way, it's really hard to distinguish these famous designers from ordinary people on the street. Other videos you might like:
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7 Main Differences Between Rich and Poor People TIMESTAMPS:
Marc Jacobs 0:21
Christian Louboutin 0:56
Michael Kors 1:32
Tommy Hilfiger 2:02
Christian Lacroix 2:33
Miuccia Prada 2:59
Jimmy Choo 3:28
Yohji Yamamoto 4:04
Calvin Klein 4:29
Manolo Blahnik 5:05
Roberto Cavalli 5:37
Kenzo Takada 6:06
Luciano Benetton 6:32
Paco Rabanne 7:02
Pierre Cardin 7:31 #fashion #designers #brightside Preview photo credit: As every year the Italian businesswoman Miuccia Prada came to spend a few days of holidays in Saint-Moritz with a friend Miuccia Prada: By JBMPhotos/Jbm Photos/East News,
Manolo Blahnik Vogue Ralph Lauren Wimbledon summer cocktail party, Kensington Palace Orangery, Kensington Palace, London England 22nd June 2015: By Phil Loftus/Capital Pictures/EAST NEWS,
Animation is created by Bright Side. Music by Epidemic Sound SUMMARY:
– When he was only 23 years old, Marc Jacobs designed his first collection. And just a year later he became the youngest designer to have ever been awarded the fashion industry's highest tribute, the Council of Fashion Designers of America Award.
– As a freelance designer, Christian Louboutin designed women's shoes for Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, and Maud Frizon. But at the age of 27, he decided to start his own company and opened a shoe salon in Paris.
– Michael Kors could have become an actor since he attended acting classes and even starred in a commercial at the age of 4. But love for fashion took over and Kors started designing clothes in his parents' basement when he was a teen.
– At the age of 20, Tommy Hilfiger opened his own clothing store, but 5 years later he went bankrupt. After working for several different labels he set up his own clothing design company, Tommy Hill.
– Christian Lacroix actually planned to become a museum curator when he enrolled at the Sorbonne in Paris. But instead, he got interested in fashion and opened his own haute couture house when he was only 24. – Miuccia Prada gave up performing as a mime at the Piccolo Theatre to take over the family business of luxury goods when she was 29 years old. – Jimmy Choo was born to a family of shoemakers, so no wonder he made his first pair of shoes when he was only 11.
– Yohji Yamamoto gained his tailoring skills after giving up a promising legal career to help his mother with her dressmaking business.
– Calvin Klein's grandmother, who was a seamstress, inspired his interest in fashion. As a teenager he spent most of his time sewing, studying designs, and sketching women’s dresses.
– From a very young age, Manolo Blahnik watched his mother make beautiful shoes for herself. Obviously, it sparked his interest in fashion.
– At the age of 32, Roberto Cavalli successfully presented his first collection at the pret-a-porter salon in Paris, and soon opened a fashion boutique in Saint-Tropez and launched his own clothing label. – After graduating from Tokyo Fashion School, 25-year-old Kenzo decided to move to Paris. Six years later, he presented his first collection at the Vivienne Gallery.
– At the age of 30, Luciano Benetton, along with his sister and two brothers, founded the Benetton Group which became one of the most successful Italian brands. – Paco Rabanne got a degree in architecture, but decided to pursue a career in the fashion world instead. – Since the age of 14, Pierre Cardin worked as a clothier’s apprentice, studying the basics of clothing design. He left his parents' home to work as a tailor in Vishy. Subscribe to Bright Side : —————————————————————————————-
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More 15 People You Wouldn’t Recognise Despite Knowing Them Videos