🔴 Subscribe for more free Stock Trading tips: https://bit.ly/2Y1AVrf I want you to start thinking a little differently about money… Instead of focusing on the amount of money you have, start thinking about what you’re passionate about, or a problem and what can you do to help? How much will it take to help? Share this video with a fellow Trader: https://youtu.be/emihLg6EPo0 ✅ Links I mention and recommend: 🎥Watch the Save the Reef documentary here: https://youtu.be/wthTmQHmuZ0 📖Learn more about saving the reef here: https://savethereef.org/ ♾Follow Karmagawa on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karmagawa/ Come see Bohen and me in Chicago: https://bit.ly/2ZwO8Zs Join Tim's Challenge here: http://bit.ly/2WGsbdq Subscribe to my FREE weekly stock watchlist here: http://bit.ly/2MLsuPL ✅ Recommended video: https://youtu.be/4_ak8Bq99T4 ✅ Recommended playlists: Day Trading 101: Starter Videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxhDIeYxNpE&list=PLTKUP0v0mxhvcNcP55fLthMRuTep2SGzY Advanced Day Trading Tips: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTKUP0v0mxhsG4FCc4go7v4EOvyeNubJS My Millionaire Students – Are You Next?: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTKUP0v0mxhtFSV2MDrpS6hziwptlpv4_ Trading with the Tims: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLTKUP0v0mxhvhVuORoUdAQ1yCAZ6RAI_R ✅ Follow Tim Sykes and his trading travels: Instagram: https://bit.ly/1Remh9f
Facebook: https://bit.ly/2ItKo3A
Twitter: https://bit.ly/2P46g8n FULL DESCRIPTION
Over the years I’ve become obsessed with charity and “saving the world.” I donate a ridiculously high percentage of my income to charity, because I care about it. I want you to start thinking a little differently about money… Instead of focusing on the amount of money you have, start thinking about what you’re passionate about, or a problem and what can you do to help? How much will it take to help? If you’re passionate about something you want to do whatever you can to help succeed in that project. You invest your time and money into pursuing it. My biggest passion project is saving the coral reefs. I invested a ridiculous amount of money to make the best documentary possible to help bring awareness to this problem. (If you haven’t already seen it, you need to.) Yes, money has bought me my freedom. But your life shouldn’t only be about money. You can have a big financial account, it’s what you do with it that matters. I've gotten obsessed with giving back. I’ve built 53 schools around the world. Now, I’m on a mission to help save the reef. This is what money should be used for: to change lives. So think about your life. What can you do to make your life, or those you care about — whatever you care about, better? #TimothySykes #Pennystocks #Investing —————————————————————————————————————-
Hey, it’s Tim Sykes, millionaire mentor and trader. Thank you for watching my videos. I hope that they help you. I want to share everything that I've learned over the years. You can check out more videos right over there, and also click ‘subscribe’ so that you can watch all of these videos, get that knowledge and become my next millionaire student.* —————————————————————————————————————-* Results may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Making money trading stocks takes time, dedication, and hard work. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock market, including the loss of your investment. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results. Any investment is at your own risk. See Terms of Service here: https://www.timothysykes.com/terms-of-service/
Why Giving Back Matters
Why Giving Back Matters
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